Dumpling Party at Stanley's Wet Goods

Mission Statement

Miss Lippe’s Dumpling Party is not re-inventing the wheel, I’m just bringing us back to what is so special about food.

  • It’s about spending time together in a shared activity

  • It’s about putting down your phone and using your hands

  • It’s about engaging with the people around you

Like many people, some of my fondest memories as a kid revolve around food. Whether it was dining out in New York City with my grandmother or playing ‘restaurant’ with my brother and getting our parents to pay us for boxed macaroni and cheese, food has always been the glue.

Food is the heart of most families, communities and cultures. While we are so lucky to have so many amazing restaurants and online ordering that makes food so convenient, we are losing out on the time we spend creating our food.

When’s the last time you spent an uninterrupted hour talking with your friends?

Miss Lippe’s is on a mission to bring us back to our roots. The hours you spend creating a meal can be the fruit of the best memories and connections. Dumplings are just a means to an end. Everyone loves dumplings, and everyone has a kind of dumpling that reminds them of their community. They are an easy way to start a conversation and create a delicious meal.

We also want to make food feel accessible. Many people are intimidated by cooking and shy away from it. We want to show you that it’s easy to be a cook and it doesn’t have to be complicated. The more we take ownership of the food we make the more conscious we become of where we buy our ingredients and what we put in our bodies.

We want to encourage people to support local businesses and farmers. We want to encourage healthy and balanced eating habits. We want to create environments to meet people in your community you wouldn’t otherwise have a chance to connect with.

Miss Lippe's is rooted in family, food, and conversation.  I hope to bring what I have learned over the years to your kitchen, because dinner is about so much more than just what you are eating